Psycho-Social Worker at Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI) April, 2024

Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us


Implementation of the PSS activities:

  • Provide psycho-social support, and psychological first aid to survivors who have experienced psychological trauma, torture, gender based violence GBV, domestic violence, and when necessary to survivors of natural disasters
  • Work in collaboration with PHCC and outpost staff to receive referred beneficiaries, ensure follow up of referred PSS/ PFA beneficiaries, and provide guidance to health facility staff on PSS
  • Provide screening and assessment on psychological trauma
  • Sensitize, psycho-educate, problem solve, dialogue and mediate with the beneficiaries population about issues of war, torture, trauma, violence and GBV
  • Ensure all work with clients is confidential and that ethical practices are observed in culturally appropriate way, especially with respect to gender sensitivities
  • Perform community awareness on trauma and psychosocial support to beneficiaries and community leaders
  • Refer patients when needed to more specialized services in link with the deputy MHPSS advisor
  • Perform case follow up and case management when there is need
  • Develop action plan for the follow up patients
  • Engage in self-care through supervision, debriefings, and other shared sessions

Communication and Reporting:

  • Become proficient with the MHPSS data collection tools, conduct, and submit screening and assessments reports in a timely and accurate manner
  • Fill in all reporting and data collection forms in daily basis to ensure quality reporting
  • Weekly data entry of collected information from the field
  • Attend the weekly MHPSS supervision/ on job training meeting
  • Attend all MHPSS/PFA-related trainings given by PUI
  • Assist with any other related activities as deemed necessary by the MHPSS advisor

Note: The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are non-exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project’s needs.


  • Candidates should possess a Bachelor’s Degree
  • Candidates should possess 2 – 3 years experience.

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