@frankieifop : My true life Story (A Monster in the Net)

@frankieifop : My true life Story (A Monster in the Net)

I hide my light inside a cloak of night, Beneath the red Scarf and a Chapeaux. 
The pearl of my heart locked within a shell, too afraid to let it go, to let it show and all the headlines read for the whole world to see…. A Monster in the Net. 

I fall apart, apparently I did appear beneath the light, Yes it was me…. A Monster in the Net. 

I hide my pain inside a melody, it’s as if notes I write will set me free.
I keep all my dreams under a lock and key, I’m too afraid that they will fly, away from me…. A Monster in the Net. 

Am sorry if I’ve been bordering you with BCs… A Monster in the Net. 

Happy New month and merry Christmas in advance.


Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @frankieifop. BBM Pin:56408B74