Phone addicts: Just describe this woman breastfeeding her child in one word

Phone addicts: Just describe this woman breastfeeding her child in one word

Nowadays everything we do must include a mobile phone. Parents are taking it to extravagant level while children are sky rocketing it to a level beyond explanations.

The man of the 21st Century is so addicted to his phone in that it has become part of his life. A girl once told me she can’t do without a phone, she quoted that “without phone, there’s no life”. I wonder where they were taught all this, and where the world is heading to. I didn’t say technology is bad, it makes work easier, but when it gets to do with life, especially in harming humans, we should deviate from it a little.

Like this woman, do you thing that child will feed well? I wonder if she isn’t chatting with an unknown lover lying to him she doesn’t have a child either. All this happens, and only God can save us.

If you’re a phone addicts, you better change and Start doing things right, thank you.

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