The busyness of the markets, the hype of prices and the catapulting sales of goods and services in Calabar this Christmas period is beyond imagination.
I was walking from shop to shops, market to markets in Calabar, what I discovered that is common among all is how the prices of things are being elevated and also the huge sales been made by business owners.
Asking of the business woman in Watt Market, why the hype of price in goods that normal doesn’t cost the same amount? She smiled and said “This is Christmas; nothing in price is compared when it comes to Christmas period, the way you buy things is never the same as in the normal times. Right from the producers, the wholesalers and the retailers, Christmas period is when they make huge gains and sales. So, the price will definitely be high even if we buy at lower prices before Christmas”.
My interview with one of the buyers: this is what she told me; “Things are hard especially in this new era, you have to save till the end of the year before you can buy reasonable things for your kids and families. People expect much this period, and this is when you get the most trending things in stores. She added that it’s not always easy especially for them that are married, I have to persuade my husband and I have to wait until he gives the money too. So, if he gives money on the 24th of Dec, that’s when I’ll go to the market.
Christmas is really the biggest holiday celebrations. But, just keep it low especially those that are eager and always on the rush.
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