Zlatan Ibrahimovic confirms the interest of English clubs and may likely join them this summer

Zlatan Ibrahimovic confirms the interest of English clubs and may likely join them this summer

The Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, out of contract with the Paris SG in June, confirmed on Sunday that English clubs were interested in him.

“Yes, I can confirm that clubs are interested in me and we’ll see it will, “said Ibra in Sunday press in Stockholm, where he is preparing for the friendly match Tuesday against the Czech Republic. ” 

I think the Premier League is the toughest championship in the world since made ​​most headlines. But that would be like a marriage, both parties must mutually desire very strong, “said Ibrahimovic, PSG winner with four titles in a row champion of France and qualified for the quarterfinals of the League champions.

Manchester United and Chelsea, in particular, would be in the running to secure the services of Swedish. Arriving in Paris in July 2012, from AC Milan, Ibra will be free at the end of this season.

“For now, I will not be at PSG next season,” he said before pointing mischievously: “If they replace the Eiffel Tower by my statue, I will stay at PSG Ca, I can. promise you! “