4 easy steps to confirm the authenticity of your Driver’s Licence whether genuine or fake

4 easy steps to confirm the authenticity of your Driver's Licence whether genuine or fake

There’s been a lot of people issuing out fake Driver’s Licence including the FRSC, so beware and don’t fall a victim or you’ll be convicted. Also news had it that the Licence will now last for five years and now more three years as said the the FRSC Commandant.

Below are the 4 most appropriate steps to confirm the authenticity of your Driver’s Licence. 

1. Go to www.nigeriadriverslicence.org

2. On the homepage, click DL application
DL application pops up three(3) options

  • Re-issue
  • Renewal
  • New Licence 

3. If the Driver’s Licence you want to confirm has not expired, click Re-issue.

4. Enter the Licence Number (LN) and Date of Birth (DoB) as seen on the Licence and then click search.

Wait for reply, if the Driver’s Licence is genuine, the holder’s personal information is automatically displayed to confirm genuineness. Then if fake, it will not display the holder’s personal information but rather say “No Record Found” to confirm to you that the Licence is fake.

ALSO, if the Driver’s Licence you want to confirm have expired, click Renewal and then follow step four(4) as seen above to confirm authenticity.

That’s all, and you’re in. #Goodluck.