Governor Ben Ayade just bought himself a horse, see photos here

Someone is actually enjoying his time here and guess who? It’s Governor Benedict Ayade, the 21st century flirting Governor as many do call him. He’s just got himself a horse.

You maybe thinking, what did he get the horse for? After all, we’re not in desert land or a place where you can ride a horse, but that’s left for him.

Many have started questioning the bringing in of Israeli and Chinese agencies to tackle waste management in the state, as they lament of the state having qualified graduates in waste management field. Or is he up to something else? Genius do we call him?

Anyways, since he can’t drive on dustbin roads, I guess he have to ride with his horse then

See photo of Gov Ayade with his horse below…

Governor Ben Ayade just bought himself a horse, see photos here