In a bit to cop child labour in our society, the United Nations (UN) has set aside June 12 every as World Child Labour Day (WCLD).
The Day highlights the plight of child labourers and its attendant effect on the society.
This year, the day is marked with the theme “End Child Labour In Supply Chains“.
It’s everyone’s business, as a lot of people have the opinion that a different chain of supply can do away with child labour I’m our society.
Thinking, our children should be our source of success. As the popular saying says, “Children are the Leaders of tomorrow“.
Is it because of our economy melt down or our level on education in our society that makes most of us parent to push our children to do things they are supposed to do?
For according to records, about 168 million children across the globe are engaged in child labour in all fields of human endeavour, ranging from Agriculture, Manufacturing to Construction. Children indeed are engaged in paid and unpaid domestic works for third party or employer.
This children often times are vulnerable to Exploitation and largely appreciated. Arguably, many parents especially the low income earners still stress the need for assistance by the children to help the family. When we asked, may says:
“When there’s no market, we’ll give them something to help so can fast sell for them”.
“While others says they’ll never allow their children to sell on the road side hawk things generally.
“Other also said, some aunties and guardians maltreat this children since they’re not of their own and it’s child abuse”.
However, most children found along the streets of Calabar, Markets and shopping centres hawking or labouring seem to be indifferent about their situations as they say they are helping out. Only a few says they do not wish to labour.
One of the child said with tears rolling that his eyes that:
“His mother died since 2005 and he was brought up by his father. When I got to 15 years, father could not send me to school again, so I decided to leave the house to hawk instead of staying they to be killed by hunger and maltreatment”.
Many child activists has condemned child labour and wish to be discontinued.
Children have the right to enjoy their fundamental human rights as stated by the laws. Let’s make the child a child and not a force and a premature adult.
Let’s end Child Labour Today!