Can Buhari Learn from Russia and South Africa?

Can Buhari Learn from Russia and South Africa?

By Princewill Odidi

All things being equal, 10 wealthy Nigerians can bring in starched funds from Swiss and Dubai
Banks to bail us out of this recession .

The problem is they will not do it because they would have to explain how they got the money.

Our economy is built on corruption, the bulk of our money-men got it from the Nigerian state. It is easier for a Carmel to pass through the head of a needle than to find a Nigerian business or wealthy man whose money is not connected to state power either by overrated contracts or fraudulent waivers.

Upon the collapse of the communist economy in Russia, the bulk of state wealth remained in the hands of some powerful Russian Oligarchs, military and party Chiefs.

The incoming government in Russia post communism understood that capitalism thrives with individual enterprises, so they looked the other side and today those generals constitute the backbone of the Russian capitalist economy.

The Russian government looked the other side and decided not to launch probes with an understanding of don’t take the money out to Swiss banks, leave the money here in Russia let’s invest with it.

Successful market economies are successful human and capital bargaining. The Nigerian commonwealth has been looted and raped of her resources by a selfish cabal for the past 60 years.

These funds are lodged in several banks in Swiss, Dubai, UK and America under several aliases. Do we continue to chase these cabal around the world and forfeit it , or is time to seat down and negotiate with them to bring back these funds running into almost a trillion dollars, under a special reconciliatory national, non prosecutory protective status?

It is not every time that being right is always right. Remember even the bible states, no man puts his hand into a plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of heaven.

Mr President should look forward, let’s start afresh, history will remember him more for looking forward than fixing backwards. The history of all known great leaders are those who changed their societies going forward not fixing backwards. Ghandhi forgave the British and preached non violence, even Jesus proclaimed, he that hath no sin should cast the first stone.

Sometimes the benefit of forgiving a mans sins outweighs the cost of prosecution and jail time. In South Africa, they understood this principle quite on time, Mandela set up the truth and reconciliation panel, charged the people, speak the truth and explain your level of involvement, it may hurt the victims, but I will let you go free.

This strategy worked and In no distant time, South Africa was once again on the path of growth. Can Buhari learn any lesson from either Russia or South Africa. It is difficult to engage the economic ruling classes in a fight and still get a successful economy.

If Buhari can negotiate with the Nigerian economic class majority of whom are aligned with the past regime for 16 years, not only will we get back on our feet, but the insurgency, the militancy and all economic saboteurs including Nigerians hoarding their monies at home and overseas would all come on board for us to build one of the greatest economies in the 21st century.