Cross River Youths; A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits

Cross River Youths; A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits

By Inok Solomon

Some people foolishly believe that only money can make money. This is not true! Money, of itself, is nothing but insert of matter. It cannot move, think, or talk, but it can ‘hear’ when one who desire it calls it to come.

 “The world does not pay for what you know, it pays for what you do or induce others to do.” You may know so much, yet can do just little compared to another man.

What is the reason for most failures in life?  The fact that we first thought failure.  We allow competition,  hard times,  fear,  worry and doubt to undermine our confidence.

Like Governor Ayade, we need to work aggressively ahead, spending money to make more money, we need not stop any possible outlay, or try to play safe, yet expecting others to continue spending with us. “War is not the only place where “the best defensive is a strong offensive.”

The law of compensation is always at work. Man is not at the caprice of fate. He is his own fate. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Governor Ayade said, “A successful man has no time to think of failure.  He is too busy thinking up new ways to succeed.”  “You can’t pour water into a vessel already full.” The problems of this present times, the perilous times hard to deal with, is for us all to unravel and solve. We must build a future for the generations to come, and that time is now.

Our state is still Virgin gold, undiscovered,  unclaimed. We can think it into anything we wish. Into gold or dross, into health or sickness, wealth or poverty, strength or weakness, into success or failure. Which shall it be? “There is nothing either  good or bad,” said Shakespeare,  “but thinking makes it so.”

The understanding of this law will enable us to control every other law that exists. Thoughts are causes. Conditions are merely effects. We can mold ourselves and our surroundings by resolutely directing our thoughts towards the goals we have in mind.

Most times, we fear of competition from followers or even equals. Fears that one of the followers or those around us will take what we know and so we refuse to do what we aught to do or use it fully to induce others to do more. The more we reserve, the more we reduce the pay. And when you fear that others will take your position, practically be sure to realise that fear sooner or later.

You must multiply yourself and be at many places as possible, giving attention to many things at the same time. It is an eternal truth that people receive more pay for their ability to get others to perform than they could possibly earn by their own efforts.

This is real and practical in Cross River today as Governor Ayade being an efficient leader, through knowledge of his capabilities and the magnetism of his personalities, character, integrity,  and foresight,  is greatly increasing the efficiency of the people of Cross Riverians mostly youths. Inducing us to render more
 service and better service than he could do himself.

Cross River Youth, why did Jesus with all His power, not take the riches that were offered him and use them to do good? Couldn’t He have done more good with them than poor as He was? I wonder sometimes if the sons of the rich add value to our society? Seems to me the sons of the rich are pretty worthless, on the whole.

Jesus felt the greatest need of His day was not to take money or power and show what could be done with it, but to convince the common man that he is not a mere worm to be trodden under the feet of the rich men and rulers; not a slave, but a son of God, heir to all the earth. That it was he that God had in mind when he gave man dominion over the earth.

Today, Governor Ayade is making every youth in Cross River to feel equal, accepted,  capable and heir and that each one of us is who God had in mind when he gave man dominion over the earth.

It is true that the sons of great men seldom do amount to much, but the reason for it is not our artificial standard of values, not merely in the fact that their parents have too much money.
What does happiness consist of? Mostly in looking forward to greater happiness,  a day or a month or year from now. What does ambitions consist? In looking forward to something bigger, Greater,  a day or month or year from now.

A thousand years ago, China was centuries ahead of the Western powers. Then she got far behind them. Why? Because instead of looking ahead, she looked backward. Her religion was ancestor – worship.

In a lesser degree, that is the trouble with the rich men’s sons of today, they worship what their fathers have done instead of looking ahead to the doing of greater things themselves.

We cannot change the past experience, but we can determine what the new ones shall be like.  We can make the coming day just what we want it to be. We can be tomorrow what we think today.

Arise Youths of Cross River and join Governor Ayade to make a future that our hands can determine our pay, what we know and do or induce others to do will fill our store houses with plenty.