Let us like Governor Ayade, heal with words and create attitudes for realities

By Solomon Inok

“Words Form Our Attitudes, Attitudes Form Our Reality.”

Let us like Governor Ayade, heal with words and create attitudes for realities
Robert Kiyosaki said, “Life is attitude.” If you want to change your life, first change your words, which will in turn change your attitude.

The Bible clearly stated, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”-Luke 6:45.

I will never be rich, this government will not succeed, all those in this government are political babes. These are the words of a person with a poor person’s attitude. Change is impossible, the reality of the Deep seaport and superhighway are all impossibilities. The chances for people like this is that, they struggle financially all through their lives and remain poor.

Poverty is relative, any political rich person, still living in a rented apartment, in his or her State after serving in government for more than 8 years is a complete example of a poor person, no matter the circumstances.

Some will say, “it’s takes money to make money.” No, Money begins with words, and words are free.

The greatest failure in our system is the lack of believe and trust in our own words.

Churches are rich yet churches sell no commodities than ‘words.’

No matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we work, one thing is constant, “America remain great because of the positive attitude of Americans toward America.” In the real sense of it, “America is bankrupt.”

We must change our Attitude to gain value. Value that will in turn add up to our currency, products and services and national integrity at large.

The greatest fear of America today is a likely situation where many countries will start refusing to use the Dollar as a standard of international monetary measurement.

We must grow both in words and actions, out of political divides during Campaign and Elections and embrace true collective governace for growth and development.