By Inok Solomon
The worst financial fairy tale in the old and modern times, is the concept, “Live below your means.” Economist will say, “The end justify the means.” How justified will the end be when the means are exploited below expectation of a person? Parents will say to their children, “Go to school and get a good job.” “Work hard and save.” For what reasons? To live below your means?
I think these words are dreams killers, mental imprisonment and complete derivatives of poverty. It has become a part of us, eating deeper into our mental consciousness and setting limitations and doubts in our personal abilities.
By the way, who enjoys living below their means? Who enjoys poverty and self-imposed recession? Is it a fact that most people don’t want to live a full, rich, and abundant life? Life of infinite progress and plenty?
Have you ever run a race, or worked at utmost capacity for a protracted period, or swum a great distance? Remember how, soon after starting, you began to feel tired? Remember how, before you had gone any great distance, you thought you had reached your limit?
But remember, too, how, when you kept going, you got your second wind, your tiredness vanished, your muscles throbbed with energy, you felt literally charged with speed and endurance? Then you win and determine your world according to your desires. You control that achievement with all the greatness attached to it. At that point you become greater than all, both the rich and poor identify with you and desire you.
Stored in every human being are great reserves of energy of which the average individual knows nothing but rather run under the pretense of “Living below ones means.”
These words keep many people financially poor, emotionally empty, and spiritually neutral. One author said, “If you look into the deeper meaning of these words, you can come up with multiple meanings, such as “Don’t desire the finer things of life,” or, “You can’t have what you want.” This creates an atmosphere of Hatred, Jealousy, Envy, Covetousness and War.
It is said, “Take away a man’s dreams and you take away his life.” You may never reach the stars, but they will guide you on your path through life.
Cross Riverians, Ayade dreams are truly designed to take us to the stars, and no Cross Riverians will be forced again to live within the concept of “Living Below their means.” We will create wealth and determine the direction of wealth in our Ideas. Never again will we keep forcing our young generations to live below their means and kill their abilities to exploit and expand and create instead of waiting to be given.
Governor Ayade till the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!