Women deserve Respect and Protection

Women deserve Respect and Protection


One may find it difficult to understand the modern civilisation in our society today. To some it’s more better, modernised, socialised and organised. While to others, it’s rather corrupt with a lots of evil atrocities, material things, hatred etc.

To me, it all depend on individual views. We can’t take away the fact that education play a major role in rebuilding our society today.

I can recall vividly in the book of GENESIS, where God says he created a woman to be a helper to the man. But my question is, “WHAT HELP”? There is a popular adage that WHAT A MAN CAN DO, A WOMAN CAN DO EVEN BETTER. Hahaha! Is it really true to an average man? Yea to some extent. 

Majority of notable woman like NGOZI OKONJO (World Bank/Finance minister), PATRICIAL ETEH (Speaker House of Rep), OLUFUMILAYO KUTI (First Woman to drive a car), EFURONYE Tinubu (First Woman to by a car), CHIOMA AJUNWA (First Olympic Gold Medallist, Long Jump), PEPERTUAL NKWOCHA (Six time Africa soccer champion), FLORENCE ITA GIWA (Senator), these and many more are some female pillars who endanger there lives and contribute immensely to make sure this country make a better name.
Will it rather make me responsible to say “MY WIFE BELONG TO MY KITCHEN AND MY LIVING ROOM AND THE OTHER ROOM”? I think even when God says a woman will be a helping hand to the man, it was not really in d form of a house help, rather it was an assistance to the man (PA). The world has globalised beyond keeping women behind close doors. At the institutions nowadays, some Ladies are doing excellently more than the Guys. 
To even be neutral with my sentiment, NGOZI OKONJO IWEALA, manage the resources of this country more than a lot of her male predecessors. How then can we limit women to such department? An English man says if “one bullet can kill a man why wasting many”? 
This show’s that with a lot of notable contributions above by women, it is time we give them the chance to manifest, it is time we let them compete with the rest of the world, it is time we move them out from the kitchen, it is time we give them full right to showcase there talents, it is time we say they don’t only belong to d cooking room, television room, sleeping room and labour room. Women are responsible fellows and they deserve full respect from us. 
It’s time we CALL A SPADE A SPADE.