Few days ago, Nigerian President, Mohamamadu Buhari was in German to strengthen talk with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, but his speech concerning his wife being made for the kitchen and the bedroom is what has got Nigerians Talking. So, let’s take a look at the comments made by Nigerians below…
2. The federal government of Nigeria had finally remove women participation in the affairs of the country and other to enable them face the major responsibility of their homes.(kitchen, parlor and bedroom duties). Please don’t forget we love you, and our children must eat on TM. Put on d television and wait in the bed 4 me until i’m back.
3. I have never pretended to like Buhari. I have never also shied away from criticising our leaders in this country. I thought I had them all figured out until today. I am deeply embarrassed by Buhari’s utterances about his wife this evening. I have seen men and women come out to say his wife deserved what he said about her. I have concluded that we are a people who lack breeding and good home training for believing that it is okay for a man to talk down on his wife in public. I don’t care about the provocation.
4. For starters, I was against Mrs Buhari’s behaviour because I felt that what she discussed with BBC should have been carried out in the privacy of their home with her husband. As a woman who has been married for about 35 years now, I know how bull headed men can get and I equally know we as women can get our ways with some guile and sweet talk. Oftentimes men imagine themselves in control but we women are the owners of the real control, because we often seize the control by charming our way through.
5. Now coming to Buhari, the condescending way he referred to his wife was uncalled for. At best he could have sidestepped that questioned and gone home to deal with his flippant wife. This is a woman who has kids with him. How does he face his kids after disrespecting their mom so. He claims that he has more knowledge than his wife? All the more reason why he should have acted in a more dignified manner.
An eye for an eye will eventually leave everyone blind. That’s all we could take and don’t forget that the reasons we omitted the names and sources was for security reasons. Don’t forget to drop your own comment(s) below…