Two Death, many Hospitalised after eating CBN treated Rice meant for Planting in Ogoja

Two Death, many Hospitalised after eating CBN treated Rice meant for Planting in Ogoja

Please this is to inform the people of Northern Cross River State especially those from Ogoja, Yala, Bekwarra, Obudu, Obanliku and the entire Cross River State about the death case of those who ate from particular rice.

Reports reaching us stated that two persons are death while others are in a critical condition after eating the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN Treated Rice meant for planting. Reports have it that those affected, mostly, from Yala and Ogoja, ate from the Rice given by the CBN Anchor programme for planting.

However, the fear has been that, those given the Rice may not be the consumers, but innocent persons who may fall victim to the greed of others as the country’s recession is getting deeper and deeper.

In a any case, one would suspect such thing to happen since a cup of rice now sells at N150 and above, and for the poor, it’s an opportunity to eat rice. But for the sake of your family and loved ones, please don’t eat from the treated rice since they contains chemicals which are harmful to the body and causes death, just like the cases recorded today.

Please share this to help save lives….