Saint of the day: Stanislaus

St. Stanislaus Szczepanowski was born in Krakow in 1030. His parents were members of the nobility, and passed their strong Catholic faith on to their son. Stanislaus studied theology and canon law in Parish, and when his parents died, he gave away his large inheritance to the poor.

Stanislaus was ordained as a priest and served the Church of Krakow for many years. When the current bishop died, he was chosen as successor in 1071, and began preaching the Gospel boldly.

His preaching caught the negative attention of Poland’s corrupt King Boleslaus II, whom he was unable to reform. Stanislaus excommunicated him, and Boleslaus responded by sending henchmen to kill the bishop, but they were unable to. Boleslaus finally ambushed Stanislaus while he celebrated Mass and killed him with a sword.

Following his death, St. Stanislaus was considered a martyr, while the king lost his grip on his powers, and spent his final days in a monastery, repenting of his sins. St. Stanislaus was canonized in 1253, and is a beloved patron saint of Poland.
