Desk’s latest video has him returning to Street Fighter 5 to perform combos that emphasize the craziest usage of fireballs

Desk's latest video has him returning to Street Fighter 5 to perform combos that emphasize the craziest usage of fireballs

It would seem that Desk has returned to Street Fighter 5 to record a new combo video. This particular video emphasizes the unique usage of fireballs.

Ultimately, this is a combo video for Urien that has him using the Aegis Reflector to incorporate as many fireballs into his combo as possible. Though the goal revolves around securing projectile hits, many of these sequences end up taking over 50% stamina from opponents.

Even Critical Arts that behave as projectiles are not safe from the Aegis Reflector’s reflection properties. Seeing as how Urien is able to tack on his own Critical Art at the end of these sequences, this is able to lead to ludicrous amounts of damage.

Of course, true to how Desk typically does things, the video is filled with flashy combos. We imagine that it probably took Desk a lot of practice to get some of these engagements just right.

As expected though, all the situations seen basically require the cooperation of the opponent. Needless to say, all the combos are highly impractical.

Check it all out below:
