Justin Wong tries to take on one of the greatest Street Fighter 2 players who ever lived and it does not go well…

Justin Wong tries to take on one of the greatest Street Fighter 2 players who ever lived and it does not go well...

Justin Wong is easily a legend in the competitive fighting game space, winning major championships in a lot of games over the last couple of decades. However, there are players from even further back who are absolute titans when it comes to Street Fighter 2, and in one of his most recent videos Justin Wong tries to face one of these titans on his own turf.

John Choi is a master of Street Fighter 2 and is regarded as one of the greatest Ryu players to ever compete. In this new video, Justin Wong runs a first-to-10 set against Choi in Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting where Choi picks Zangief, and let’s just say, things don’t go too well…

To set the stage, the title of Justin’s new video is literally “THIS IS WHY I HATE ZANGIEF”. Though Choi is a Ryu player, his proficiency within the SF2 series is incredible, and thus, he naturally has a strong Gief as well.

Justin also stacks things against himself even further by playing Choi’s main against him.

Now there’s a lot of wild stuff back in the Street Fighter 2 franchise, and Hyper Fighting has its own insanity to it. In this version, Zangief’s SPD throw range is unreal, and Justin learns just how far away he can be and still get scooped.

From countering pokes in neutral with command throws to immaculate spacing when using lariat through fireballs, Choi’s Zangief is an absolute beast. What makes this set so good is the fact that Justin is very aware of what he’s gotten himself into here, and he fights for his life against one of the legends of the sport.

Check out the full set where Justin Wong tries to survive against a legend below.
