One of the world’s best Street Fighter 6 players teaches us all how to get better at the game

One of the world's best Street Fighter 6 players teaches us all how to get better at the game

Many of us are trying to improve our game in Street Fighter 6. With so many options to consider at all times and the mental stack being so high, it can be difficult to know what are the most effective things to focus on when trying to get better.

Fortunately, one of the best to ever do it has released a new video that teaches us all how to level up in Street Fighter 6. Punk has put together an instructional video that aims at helping beginners, intermediate players, and pros alike.

The first pro tip Punk has for everyone is to utilize Street Fighter 6’s parry mechanic. Specifically, when up against projectile characters you should ensure that you’re parrying fireballs instead of blocking them so that you can maintain a good amount of Drive Gauge.

Once you’ve incorporated this into your game, you can take things a step further with Perfect Parrying fireballs. As Punk points out, if you can Perfect Parry projectiles in neutral, you will lose none of your Drive Gauge and you’ll be able to counter attack sooner — which is much harder to do than regular parry.

Something that’s a bit higher level and centers around a common issue a lot of players are currently having is how to punish Drive Rush cancel-able normal attacks. One of the most prominent tactics in Street Fighter 6 right now is to use a low, Drive Rush cancel-able button (like crouching medium kick) and cancel out of it with Drive Rush for either a combo or offensive pressure.

If the opponent hits this, they’ll get a big combo, but if it’s blocked they can also continue to pressure you. Punk reveals how to deal with the latter situation and how to get the player away from you so that you can breathe and fight back.

Be sure to check out Punk’s full video below to level up your game in Street Fighter 6.
