History Behind The Warrior provides an overview of every missing character in Mortal Kombat 1 that gets mentioned in some way

History Behind The Warrior provides an overview of every missing character in Mortal Kombat 1 that gets mentioned in some way

A lot has changed in the Mortal Kombat universe due to how things ended in Mortal Kombat 11. After defeating Kronika, Liu Kang reset the timeline and implemented changes that would promote peace throughout the realms.

As a result, a lot of characters in Mortal Kombat 1 — the game that came after Mortal Kombat 11 — saw their roles change drastically compared to previous timelines. However, there are a number of characters that are absent from the main roster that we’ve only heard mentions of.

In a recent video, History Behind The Warrior discussed what we know about the missing characters that we know exist within Liu Kang’s new timeline. Of course, it’s important to note that characters only mentioned during mirror matches won’t count since these likely aren’t canonical interactions anyhow.

The first character discussed in the video is Jade. During a conversation with Kitana, Liu Kang ominously reveals that Jade will be important for Kitana’s future.

Oddly, Jade is never mentioned during Mortal Kombat 1’s story mode. Still, we suspect that we haven’t heard the last of Jade considering Ed Boon’s recent statements regarding Jade’s popularity. As it turns out, many fans have been requesting and demanding that Jade be made a DLC fighter in Mortal Kombat 1.

Other characters that get brought up in the video are Kotal, Onaga, Hanzo Hasashi, and many more. Check it all out below:
