Russia stops shipment of explosives from Ukraine hidden amidst icons

Ubylinka, Pskov Province, Russia, April 3, 2024

Photo: TASS Photo: TASS     

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) and Federal Customs Service discovered and stopped a shipment of explosives coming from Ukraine.

The cargo, which had wound its way from Chernivtsi, Ukraine, through several European countries on its way to Russia, had dozens of kilos of explosives hidden amidst Orthodox icons and Church utensils, reports TASS.

There were enough explosives to blow up a 5-story apartment lock, Department Head of the Interior Ministry’s Regional Forensic Center Dmitry Belotserkovsky said yesterday.

The explosives were attached to the back side of icon frames. FSB agents also found detonators.

According to the truck driver, he received the shipment at a warehouse in Romania, and having found nothing suspicious amongst the icons, he drove the boxes through Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia without incident before hitting the Russian border.

The postal information on the boxes shows Chernivtsi, Ukraine, as the starting point.

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