2 big non-gameplay reasons Street Fighter 6 feels like it’s losing steam

2 big non-gameplay reasons Street Fighter 6 feels like it's losing steam

Street Fighter 6 is by no means a bad game and still has potential to be deemed the best franchise entry to date, but with that said, it’s increasingly evident that there are a few fires developers should aim to douse well before the game hits its first anniversary next June.

Players have been complaining more than praising on social media as of late, prompting us to dig into why we feel the SF6 honeymoon phase is over, and while those reasons had more to do with gameplay problems, MC Mura recently released a video detailing two other big non-gameplay issues that need attention.

Like its predecessor and many other modern fighting game titles, Street Fighter 6 has been marketed to fans as an ongoing service. This implies regular updates and changes to keep fans coming back, and Capcom has been delivering content on this front as we’ve gotten two DLC characters and some custom avatar cosmetics… but therein also lies one of the problems.

Expectations have been tempered (by both Capcom and the general DLC climate of the age) in such a way that players want to feel acknowledged by developers in an ongoing fashion. For many, instead of simply buying and playing any given title, games need to continually produce reasons to be turned on.

Mura argues that the content that’s come out for SF6 thus far has been more on the lukewarm side. DLC newcomers A.K.I. and Rashid have had relatively small impacts on the game and the allure of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle campaign has been widely eclipsed by surprisingly high price tags.

In short, gameplay frustrations paired with somewhat lackluster post launch content isn’t doing SF6 many favors in the charisma department. Mura notes yet another issue plaguing the game, but you’ll have to check out the full video below and have him tell you about it.

Give the video a watch and let us know what your current thoughts are on Street Fighter 6. Do you feel like developers need to attend to things like game balance before the one year mark (as they’ve stated they plan to update game balance just once each year) and do you feel like the problems Mura puts forward are valid?
