Romanian diocese offers gifts to new mothers for feast of Annunciation

Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania, March 28, 2024

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In honor of the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Sibiu offered gifts to mothers at the local maternity hospital on Sunday.

The Basilica News Agency’s report refers to the Annunciation as “Christian Mother’s Day.”

The gifts included diapers, hygiene products, and baby food.

“The Good News reminds all mothers, all Christian women, that the Mother of God is their protector and model, that they are called to service and a holy sacrifice, to bear fruit and make new branches of the Church and society,” said Fr. Adrian Roman, head of the diocese’s social-philanthropic department.

“We assure them that they can always find encouragement and support in the Church, because there are not a few delicate situations such as a pregnancy crisis or the precariousness of the material means of raising newborns,” the priest added.

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