Take note…
On Instagram, Legal Cheek recently posed a question to its paralegal, trainee and junior lawyer followers: what are the most annoying things partners do? Whilst many juniors may be keen to learn from the brightest and best in their fields, we were eager to uncover those annoying partner traits. Loads of followers joined the comment section sharing their top partner peeves …
When it comes to their biggest gripes, commenters were keen to suggest that partners may not be so clued up on managing time when it comes to their juniors. One commenter complained about getting e-mails “at 3am” from the partner in their team. Another gets the grump when a partner asks them “to return something by cop or next day and then not looking at it until the week after”.
“Not replying to e-mails” from juniors was also a big annoyance that featured heavily in the comment section.
When it comes to management, those partners that “micromanage” were also called out. One comment griped about partners that have “special rules that apply to how they want things done that are entirely different from office best practices and what the other lawyers want”. Tut-tut!
Although, some weren’t so keen on adding their comments to the post for fear that “*law firms [are] watching *, saying “lol you’re not getting me like this ”.
Others were more eager to complain in the comment section about partners in their team who “ask you to print something for them when they are sat equidistant to the printer”, and who “don’t know how to convert to pdf ”! With hot-desking becoming increasingly popular among City firms, one commenter gripes about partners “not booking a desk and then sitting at the desk you’ve booked”.
What annoys you the most about partners in your firm? Let us know in the comments below
The post Junior lawyers reveal their top partner peeves appeared first on Legal Cheek.