Toy hilariously imitates what characters say when performing their special moves in Street Fighter 6

Toy hilariously imitates what characters say when performing their special moves in Street Fighter 6

Throughout the Street Fighter series, characters have historically called out the names of certain special moves as they use them. This tends to be a common trope within anime as well.

So when a character like Ryu calls out that he’s performing a “Hadoken” or a “Shoryuken,” it’s clear what’s about to happen — though Ryu has also been known to perform a feint when yelling out “Hadoken” instead of throwing out an actual projectile to throw opponents off.

Regardless, this decision makes it so that highlighted moves are easily identifiable, even for those that might be unfamiliar with the Street Fighter series. Just by listening closely, it’s usually possible to determine what a move is called during gameplay.

Presumably in Japan, there exists a toy of a duck that can imitate the voices that it hears. Cello has posted a clip of this toy successfully imitating the sounds coming from the television when characters in Street Fighter 6 perform their iconic attacks.

With this clip, this little duck toy imitates specific voice clips from Ryu, Guile, and E. Honda. It isn’t simply recording and playing back the sounds. This toy is actually sounding out what it hears with its own hilarious voice.

Check it all out below:
