Ed demonstrated to have a two-touch kill against 10,000 stamina characters in Street Fighter 6 by Wolfgang

Ed demonstrated to have a two-touch kill against 10,000 stamina characters in Street Fighter 6 by Wolfgang

Ed is the latest DLC fighter to join Street Fighter 6’s roster. Needless to say, a lot has changed for Ed since his debut in Street Fighter 5.

It turns out that Ed is one of those characters that can knock out characters that have 10,000 stamina with just two openings with the right conditions in play. In other words, Ed can take down everyone except Marisa, E. Honda, and Zangief with these two combos.

What’s interesting about this combo is that it doesn’t even require the opponent to be situated in the corner at the start. Instead, Ed himself is positioned in the corner against Luke.

To start the combo off, Ed must land a standing heavy kick as a punish counter and while close to the opponent. This could be difficult to do, especially considering that Ed’s standing heavy kick will whiff if the opponent is crouching.

Regardless, Ed must spend four bars of Drive Gauge to perform two Overdrive specials during the first combo. After this combo ends, Ed must use a Drive Parry against the opponent as they try to use an invincible reversal.

Ultimately, Ed will just barely get above three bars of Drive Gauge so that he can pull off two Drive Rushes in the second combo. He’ll then end the entire thing with his Critical Art, which has 25% more damage over his level 3 Super Art.

It’s interesting to note that Ed’s second combo in this sequence deals 6,248 damage by itself, which is about 62% of a health bar against most characters. The two combos combined end up dealing a total of 10,118 points of damage.

Check out the combo below courtesy of Wolfgang:
