Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic

Comrades from throughout Minnesota and many states converged Wednesday morning on an arena-sized church in Eden Prairie and joined grieving families and a mournful community to pay their respects to two police officers and firefighter/paramedic who were shot during an overnight standoff in a Burnsville neighborhood.

The memorial service for Burnsville officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge, both 27, and firefighter/paramedic Adam Finseth, 40, filled Grace Church’s 4,300-seat auditorium.

Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic
Burnsville Police Sgt. Adam Medlicott holds back tears while speaking during a memorial service for Burnsville police officers. (Aaron Lavinsky/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

To accommodate everyone who either wanted to observe in some way the service or procession by the many law enforcement officers, fire department and paramedic personnel, livestreams carried the service that is viewable via smartphone or desktop computer, and communally at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville.

12:43 p.m. — At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burnsville, hundreds of people filled the dimly lit sanctuary to watch the livestreamed memorial. Some came in police or sheriffs’ uniforms, in FIRE and EMT jackets, in suits, in scrubs, and Back the Blue T-shirts. Some knew the victims personally. Others shared their community of law enforcement officers and first responders while others represented the community at large. Those in uniform who flanked the front door heard “thank you for your service” over and over as people streamed in. Attendees could have stayed home to see the livestream. But many wanted to watch it among others.

Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic
A photograph of firefighter-paramedic Adam Finseth. (Aaron Lavinsky/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

Kevin Huddleson said he came to Prince of Peace so the victims’ families would see the community’s support – the likes of which he’d never seen as a decades-long Burnsville resident.

“Turnout has been tremendous,” he said.

Tami Clark came from Danbury, Wisconsin, so her family could attend the livestream together. Her son is a police officer at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport and was in the Honor Guard with Elmstrand, whose death made the risks of public service so palpable.

“It could have been us,” she said.

Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic
Jennifer Struck holds her hand over her heart as she watches the Posting of Colors on a live stream of a memorial service for Burnsville police officers. (Alex Kormann/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

Laurie Boeser of Burnsville had been to the memorial at the police station before coming to Prince of Peace to pay her respects. Having a son who is 27, the same age as Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge, she lamented how their young lives were cut short.

“Life’s just beginning, and these young families are ruined for no reason,” she said. “Tears continue to flow. This is something that our community has never experienced, as far as I can remember.”

12:25 p.m. — Scripture was read by an uncle, Michael Ruge, father Brad Finseth and Elmstrand’s longtime friend Mike Seafolk.

“It’s really hard and we’re trying to wrap our heads around what happened,” Michael Ruge, Matthew’s uncle, said. “It makes no sense, it’s confusing, it’s really hard and it’s really painful, we all lost someone here.”

Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic
A Burnsville police officer walks to their seat in the sanctuary during a memorial service for Burnsville police officers. (Aaron Lavinsky/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

Adam Finseth’s father, Brad Finseth, read the last of three Bible verses. Composed, he started by saying good morning to the gathering. Hearing no reply, he said, “I’d like get a response.” He repeated the greeting and got the response he wanted.

12:15 p.m. —Burnsville Fire Chief BJ Jungmann said Finseth embodied the definition of character through his dedication, honor and integrity through his service in the military, then as a firefighter and paramedic. “Adam was the epitome of honor. The profession itself is honorable,” he said. “Adam had a propensity to seek out these honorable professions. He sought them out not for the glory but because he wanted to serve honorably.” “Adam died helping his comrades without a second thought. I’m gonna miss him greatly.”

Police Chief Tanya Schwartz said that “Matt brought a smile and a positive attitude to his work every day. He was one of the department’s hostage negotiators, a role he served in due to his calm demeanor, his great tone and his empathy. He was passionate about people suffering in crisis. Always humble and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. Matt served with passion to protect the vulnerable.”

Thousands gather for funeral of slain Minnesota police officers, paramedic
Richfield Police leadership salute the caskets representing Burnsville police officers. (Aaron Lavinsky/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)

The chief pointed out that “Paul was a part of the department’s honor guard, which truly became a passion for him. As you heard, he applied for the state’s Law Enforcement Memorial Association honor guard, and was recently selected.”

She said that Elmstrand “wanted to provide unwavering support to families, all the families of the fallen. The irony of that is not lost on me.”

11:50 a.m. — Burnsville Fire Capt. Brandon Johannsen talked of Finseth as “one of the most selfless individuals I have ever had the privilege of knowing,” and a man of integrity, honor and kindness in a world of cynicism. “He reminded us all that strength is not found in force or aggression, but the quiet courage to stand up for what is right, even when difficult.”

After delivering words of condolence to Finseth’s wife and children, he said: “Adam I know you’re up there in heaven probably thinking this is all too much. Well, brother, you deserve it. You were the best of us.”

11:45 a.m. — Sgt. Adam Medlicott, who was wounded in the shooting, spoke of supervising both Elmstrand and Ruge on nights and “standing with them on their final call.”

In a moment of levity, he spoke of being Elmstrand’s field training officer when they were dispatched to a theft at Macy’s. There, Elmstrand saw an unoccupied vehicle and said, “‘Look, it’s the go-away car!’ “

“I just kind of looked at him for a moment in disbelief before I said, “It’s get-away car, Paul.”

More recently, he said Elmstrand, a bright and and thoughtful officer, considered applying for a sergeant position. He would have made a great one, Medlicott said. In another instance, he was dispatched with Ruge to a call of a young woman who refused to leave her closet when she was supposed to start an addiction program that day. Reasoning with the woman was a “disaster,” he said.

“After the call, Matt walked up to me and said ‘Thanks Adam, I really F’d that one up. He used the real word though.” He then forwarded to Feb. 18, when he was standing next to Ruge as he negotiated with the man who would eventually take his life.

“You can’t reason with evil. You didn’t F this one up, Matt,” Medlicott said. He acknowledged he didn’t know Finseth as well and didn’t have any stories to share, “but I saw you run in the line of fire to save me and my guys. You are the bravest person I will ever know.”

“We were there for seven children. Nothing could be more honorable. Rest easy, brothers.”

11:40 a.m. — Officer Pete Mueller joined the force on the same day as Ruge and was on the scene of the shooting. Mueller said Ruge was “extraordinarily heroic that morning. He negotiated for several hours, which bought us time. In law enforcement, we know that time is our threat. And the time that he delivered bought countless resources to the scene that protected many of us.”

Then as the shooting erupted, Mueller continued, “the unthinkable happened, Matt his brought his partner Paul to safety, although he was hurt himself. Ruge repeatedly risked his life to save our friend. And in doing so, Matt made the ultimate sacrifice.”

11:28 a.m.: The proceedings began shortly after 11:20 a.m., with an honor guard on stage saluting the portraits of the three. Flag-draped caskets for Elmstrand and Ruge were on the stage, along with a memorial for Finseth, whose casket was taken to Fort Snelling on Tuesday. Burnsville Police Chaplain Mark Patrick then offered a welcome and invocation, thanking those in attendance and watching online.

Among the attendees: Gov. Tim Walz, Lt. Gov Peggy Flanagan, former Gov. Mark Dayton and House Speaker Melissa Hortman.

11:16 a.m. As the 11 a.m. scheduled start time came and went, the auditorium fell silent. A church representative came out and advised attendees to keep mingling and visiting, followed by a boisterous round of laughter that offered a moment of levity to the solemn occasion.

More than 400 honor guard members from across the country and Canada are in attendance.

10:55 a.m. — About 30 minutes before services were set to begin, officials said that all available space for attendees has been claimed. Earlier, organizers said capacity was roughly 7,600. Officials had said they were expecting the service to be the largest in state history. Anyone wishing to view the remembrance is being directed to the livestream or to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 13801 Fairview Dr., Burnsville.

9:34 a.m. — A few hundred police officers began to stream into the Grace Church sanctuary and were handed blue-and-red-tipped roses. On the stage stood photos of each of the fallen as the honor guard finalized their logistics. A therapy dog greeted those in attendance.

9:30 a.m. — Steve Depew, a retired Brown County Sheriff’s Deputy, drove 90 minutes to stand outside the church entrance waving to squads in a show of support. He bought a mashup thin blue/red line flag on the internet for the occasion.

“Any one of them could be next,” he said solemnly.

Depew, who served 28 1/2 years at various Minnesota law enforcement agencies, said he’s troubled by the nationwide police officer shortage, evidenced by the hundreds of open positions in Minnesota and a rapidly dwindling applicant pool.

9:26 a.m. — A four-page program outlined the service specifics. Among the early speakers are Sgt. Adam Medlicott, who was wounded during the standoff, and Burnsville Mayor Elizabeth Kautz.

There are five eulogies scheduled, four of them from Burnsville police and fire leadership: Deputy Police Chief Matt Smith, Fire Capt. Brandon Johannsen, Police Chief Tanya Schwartz, and Fire Chief BJ Jungmann. Also eulogizing will be Burnsville police officer Pete Mueller.

The program includes photos of the three being mourned. Alongside each picture are their badge numbers and matching end of watch date. Page 4 has Burnsville police and fire department seals accompanied by the words “God Bless Those Who Are Called to Serve.”

8:13 a.m. — Every open space in the church was packed with chairs. Overflow areas in the building were outfitted with screens for viewing.

While the auditorium holds about 4,300 and a chapel another 400, church officials say they are expecting 7,600 attendees throughout the building. Nearly every spot for viewing is being reserved for law enforcement and civilian staff from the city of Burnsville. Public safety vehicles are expected to arrive shortly.

Contingents from law enforcement agencies across the state began arriving at the church. They marched in together under a massive American flag suspended by two firetrucks, their breath visible in the frigid morning air.


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