AES, local businesses team up for Careers on Wheels
Published 9:15 am Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Andalusia City Schools career coach Lauren Maynor recently coordinated Careers on Wheels for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students at Andalusia Elementary School.
Maynor partnered with several local community businesses to bring career vehicles to AES. Businesses talked to students about their job responsibilities and basic functions of the vehicle they work with.
“As the career coach for Andalusia City Schools, I was really excited about expanding my reach to the lower grade levels. I work a lot with older students and have seen a big need for career exposure starting at a young age. We were able to partner with some really great community businesses and individuals to help coordinate a fun career event for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students at Andalusia Elementary. One of the common struggles we are seeing in industry right now is people willing and ready to work, and that trickled into our event as well. Several businesses had to decline or cancel due to staffing issues,” Maynor said.
Maynor was appreciative of those who were able to help on the day of the event, including AES School Resource Officer Tessa Crowell, the school administration, and volunteers.
“I am extra grateful to those who made the time to participate and those who stepped in at the last minute to make this event happen. I thought our students deserved to learn about local careers available to them not just through pictures and stories but also through real, hands-on experience. What I did not anticipate was how much fun the kids would have. I heard giggling and horn honking for two hours,” Maynor said.
Participants included: Covington Electric Cooperative, Foreman Funeral Home, the City of Andalusia’s Waste Department, Andalusia Utilities, LBW Career Cruiser, Asset Management Partners, Andalusia Fire Department, and Advanced EMS.
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