With Capcom Cup X now concluded, it would seem that Capcom is now a bit more comfortable with implementing balance adjustments into Street Fighter 6. Though this is merely meant to introduce changes to a select few characters rather than being the big yearly update that Capcom has previously mentioned, the patch that adds Ed to the game represents the largest assortment of balance tweaks the game has seen thus far.
As such, Rooflemonger has already uploaded a visual guide that demonstrates all the important changes that this latest patch is introducing. Stuff such as the bug fixes associated with Dhalsim have been skipped as a result.
The longest section of the video has been dedicated to Ryu, who probably got some of the most noteworthy buffs. This patch has greatly improved applications for Ryu’s Hashogeki special.
Ryu’s light version of the Hashogeki is now only -3 on block instead of -4. This means that Ryu will now be completely safe on block. While the opponent is in Burnout, Ryu will even be +1 on block.
Additionally, Ryu’s heavy Hashogeki will now leave Ryu closer on block, which works particularly well with the special being +2 against guarding opponents. Due to this, Ryu will now be able to properly mix opponents up as he’ll be able to threaten a throw or shimmy.
JP also had a long section within Rooflemonger’s video as he was probably hit the hardest by nerfs. For example, his crouching heavy punch had its upper body air invincibility removed, making it a slightly worse anti-air in certain situations.
He also had the scaling of his Overdrive Amnesia dramatically increased. This means that JP players will likely want to prioritize positioning over damage in most scenarios in which Overdrive Amnesia is successfully triggered.
Check it all out in the video below: