Here’s when Street Fighter 6’s servers will go down to prepare for Ed and potentially balance adjustments

Here's when Street Fighter 6's servers will go down to prepare for Ed and potentially balance adjustments

Ed is scheduled to be released as a DLC character for Street Fighter 6’s Year 1 Character Pass on February 27, 2024 — tomorrow. As such, a maintenance period has been scheduled for Street Fighter 6’s servers to allot Capcom the time to prepare for Ed’s arrival.

According to the Capcom, Street Fighter 6’s servers will go down tonight at 8:00 p.m. PDT / 11 p.m. EDT. Street Fighter 6’s online features are then expected to return at 12:00 a.m. PDT / 3:00 a.m. EDT on February 27, though Capcom has a history of finishing server maintenance ahead of schedule.

Following this appointed timeframe, Ed should become available. Not only that, but new content concerning Ed will also become available within the World Tour mode.

At Capcom Cup X, fans that attended the event were able to get a sample of Ed in Street Fighter 6 with the demo. Much to everyone’s surprise, balance tweaks for Street Fighter 6 were also present in this demo’s build.

Ken’s throw loop was made more difficult to perform, JP’s Overdrive Amnesia has a shorter counter window and increased scaling, Jamie now has the ability to cancel his forward throw into a drink, Ryu’s light and heavy Hashogeki specials have been improved, and Zangief could now combo into his level 3 Super Art by cancelling his Overdrive Lariat.

There were also reports that Luke’s crouching medium punch had more recovery frames or an extended hurtbox, but this has largely been disproven at this point. There could be other adjustments that simply weren’t noticed.

As of right now, it’s unknown if these balance adjustments will be packaged along with the update that unlocks Ed as a playable character, but it would make sense for Capcom to do so considering that the Capcom Cup season has now ended.

Once we have more information about the server maintenance period and whether or not the balance adjustments will be part of the upcoming update, we’ll be sure to report our findings here on EventHubs.
