Why Daigo Umehara didn’t Drive Parry against JP’s level 2 Super Art during the Last Chance Qualfiers

Why Daigo Umehara didn't Drive Parry against JP's level 2 Super Art during the Last Chance Qualfiers

Capcom Cup X has technically started this week with the Last Chance Qualifiers to kick things off. It would appear that BST|Daigo Umehara is already out just before the top 16 as a result of being beaten by FLY|Punk’s Cammy and then getting eliminated by BLG|Vxbao’s JP.

In the final moments of Daigo’s tournament run, Daigo was put in a position that had him blocking JP’s level 2 Super Art, which consists of alternating overheads and low attacks that come out independently of JP’s actions. The best way to deal with JP’s level 2 Super Art is simply to use the Drive Parry.

Daigo had plenty of Drive Gauge remaining, but didn’t use the Drive Parry in this situation. Why didn’t he?

HiFight recently answered this question on Twitter. As it turns out, the entire sequence was actually a true block string, meaning that Daigo had no opportunity to use the Drive Parry.

In the clip, Vxbao begins the string with JP’s heavy kick that leads into a target combo. Rather than completing the target combo route, JP can instead activate a super, which was a level 2 Super Art in this case.

As indicated by HiFight, unless the opponent Drive Parries the heavy kick at the start, it should become impossible to parry the combination of JP’s normals and level 2 Super Art. This is quite a tricky situation as it means that the opponent will now have to manually block high and low at the correct timings.

Check it all out below:
