The most popular character in Tekken 8 is very different on PC vs. PlayStation 5

The most popular character in Tekken 8 is very different on PC vs. PlayStation 5

We’ve been excitedly tracking the overall character popularity/usage in Tekken 8 over the last three weeks since the game dropped, and in no small part that’s thanks to the work of Miss Aliette Faye.

Faye has been tracking the usage rates for all 32 entrants of the latest King of Iron Fist Tournament and up until this point, has only been tracking stats for PC. This week she offers both PC and PlayStation 5 statistics (as well as the average between the two) and the results aren’t exactly symmetrical.

Back in week one newcomer Reina took first overall as she was used a whopping 8.23% of the time. This changed in week two when Dragunov eeked past her, but things are a good bit different when we glance over at PlayStation 5.

While these two are still vying for top spot on PC (Dragunov maintains his slim margin of victory this week) neither fighter is in the top three when it comes to the fancies of PS5 users.

Dragunov is fifth and Reina is fourth on PS5, but it’s the somewhat surprising Jin Kazama who is most beloved on the platform. Jin (who takes fifth on PC with 5% of the attention) retains a 7.18% first place usage rate on PlayStation 5.

One has to wonder if some seemingly minute disparity between the experiences across the two platforms favors Jin in some way, or perhaps this is simply some odd happening. Both Victor and King occupy consistent top spots to produce a similar, though out of order, top five for both console and PC.

There are some interesting inconsistencies beyond the top five as well, as newcomer Alucena places 6th on PC but 10th on PS5. Devil Jin clocks in at 7th on PC but drops all the way to 15th on PS5.

You can compare and contrast the stats via the three images below, and then let us know your takeaways from the data in the comments after.

Tekken Popularity Week 3 image #1

Tekken Popularity Week 3 image #2

Tekken Popularity Week 3 image #3

Click images for larger versions
