BigBird hits an absolutely bonkers Drive Reversal punish with Rashid in this wild Street Fighter 6 clip

BigBird hits an absolutely bonkers Drive Reversal punish with Rashid in this wild Street Fighter 6 clip

Rashid’s level 2 super is pretty darn good in Street Fighter 6. When he uses this particular move, the master of the turbulent wind does what he does best and tosses out a giant tornado that slowly moves toward the opponent, hits multiple times, and leaves behind a whirlwind that buffs up some of Rashid’s moves and movement options.

In a recent clip from top level Rashid player BigBird, the pro landed a punish combo against his opponent’s Drive Reversal that utilized the level 2 tornado. You have to see it to believe it, as this conversion was not only incredible, but also to the surprise of BigBird, actually dealt enough damage to KO his foe.

The clip begins with BigBird already having level 2 super in play as he advances toward his cornered opponent. We see him use the buff the super provides to belt out a powered up Spinning Mixer to pressure the Ken player and lock them down.

In what you’d think would be a wise choice, the Ken player sends BigBird flying with a Drive Reversal so that they can not only get him away from them, but also better deal with the oncoming tornado. Unfortunately for Ken, the tornado actually tags the recovery of the Drive Reversal, so while it was effective in getting BigBird off of the offensive, it left the Ken player open to being hit by the super.

We literally see one hit of the tornado connect, just barely, which sends Ken flying up high into the air. BigBird sees this and is immediately able to react with an Eagle Spike after getting up from the knockdown.

From there, BigBird is locked in and manages to convert this stray hit into a full-blown combo that involves two more Eagle Spikes and two Overdrive Spinning Mixers. When all is said and done, Rashid managed to wipe out what looks like roughly 45% of Ken’s health off of a very specific and damn near accidental Drive Reversal punish, and the turnout even surprised BigBird.

“That actually killed??? I LOVE RASHID,” BigBird wrote in the caption for this clip on Twitter. Yes, it did kill, and the whole thing was incredibly impressive to see play out.
