Just like every other scene, the top Japanese Street Fighter 6 players have some varying opinions when it comes to who they think are the best in the game right now though there are some common denominators.
00|Phenom was back at it again asking for the top 5 characters in SF6 from another pro, and this time it’s FAV|Ryusei put in the hot seat.
The JP player who swept Phenom’s Team EMEA by himself at the FAV Cup 2023 3v3 tournament did not downplay his main at all it seems.
“Number one character, JP,” started Ryusei. “Cammy. Chun-Li. Guile. Dee Jay.”
Ryusei, the one who OCV’d our team, gives us his top 5 strongest characters in Street Fighter 6 pic.twitter.com/5yPBNfP1AY
— Arman Hanjani (@PhenomSF) January 3, 2024
Between Rohto|Tokido, BST|Daigo Umehara, GyoGun|Moke, and Saishunkan|Shuto, four out of the five best competitors in the country have the Psycho Powered user at number one with only Shuto breaking from the pack.
Interestingly, the streak continues with all of them placing Chun-Li in at least the top 3 though Ryusei was the first to put Cammy up in the top 2.
Phenom specifically asked afterwards about where Ken is to which Ryusei replied probably sixth or seventh, which we’ve been hearing a lot of from these guys — again despite the Shoto taking up the top two spots at the FAV Cup main event.
Beyond that, however, Ryusei is the first to not have Luke anywhere in his top 5 out of this crew, and he’s unfortunately not asked where he’d put the new protagonist right now.
What perhaps isn’t being talked as much about in all of this is now four of the guys have Dee Jay up in the top spot and three of them have Guile up there too.
Phenom’s been releasing these videos once a day for almost the past week now, so we’ll see if he’s got any more he’s waiting to unleash upon us and get a further picture painted of how the Japanese pros are feeling about Street Fighter 6 heading into their Capcom Pro Tour qualifier and Capcom Cup next month.