By Efio-Ita Nyok |29 June 2015 |6:45am
In the more recent appointments into public offices made by the incumbent governor of Cross River State, namely, Governor Benedict Ayade, two Nigerians of Cross River origin were mentioned to have been appointed into public offices and they are Mr. Declan Ogar-Genesis and Michael Nku Abuo who have been respectively appointed as Personal Assistants(PAs) to the Governor on Youth Affairs and Students' Affairs. These two offices where among the six offices into which appointments were made last week.
Taken with a pinch of salt, there may seem to be no cause for alarm as it borders these appointments especially those of the offices of PAs Students Affairs and Youth Affairs. However, a critical look suggest otherwise. And an expression of any fishy trend characterising these most recent executive action by the foremost helms man in the state has become quite important as an avenue for demonstrating the quality of integrity in our public office holders especially when we recall to memory that one of the campaign slogans of his excellency was 'politics with ethics'.
Firstly, it should be noted that all appointments into the six offices only concerned itself with a senatorial district, namely, the northern senatorial district, from which His Excellency hails. That is to say, there may be an ethnic colouration/bias to the executive action. Albeit, this position may be objected to on the basis that His Excellency may be looking at credibility as being a priority before considering the application of the federal character principle at the state level. Be that as it may, if we remember that earlier appointments into similar offices where laden by trends of this nature, one becomes forced to believe that His Excellency may have an ethnic agenda. An agenda, which I must confess, undermines his much touted 'politics with ethics'. What positive ethics does His Excellency portray by appointing Nigerians of basically Cross River northern senatorial district? His Excellency maybe in the best position to respond.
Secondly, His Excellency seem not to be sensitive to the negative economic plight the state has been plunged into by the immediate past administration. By this I mean to highlight the position of critics who argue that His Excellency is understood to be 'multiplying units beyond necessity'. Why distinguish the offices of PA -Students' Affairs from PA -Youths Affairs seeing that the bulk of individuals who constitute the one dovetail into the other? Why can't we have just one office say, Special Adviser(SA) to the Governor on Students & Youth Affairs? Besides, the office of SA is superior in rank to PA, so why not lump the twain into one? Why should taxpayers money be spent with impunity!? Is this 'politics with ethics'? My position is in the negative.
Thirdly, the appointments of both Declan Ogar-Genesis and Michael Nku Abuo into the offices of PAs Youth Affairs & Students Affairs to the Governor respectively is laden with suspicion of a more profound nature. Declan Ogar-Ogar is the Administrator/Director-General of Cross River State Coalition for Change(CRSCFC), whereas Michael Abuo is the Administrator/Director-General of Cross River Political Network(CRISPON). These two platforms mentioned above are the foremost political social media groups trending in Cross River State.
It stand to reason then that the appointment of the leaders of these trending groups into the employ of His Excellency may be an attempt to highjack the greatest socio-political social media coalitions in CRS to a foremost socio-politico-propaganda platform for the incumbent administration. I smell something fishy is about to be unleashed on Cross Riverians. The political elites in the state may wish to employ this sociopolitical social media fora to determine what Cross Riverians will hear, see, feel, talk and thus know as it borders on the activities of the powers that be in the state. This maybe the foremost platform to float lies to the masses.
In view of the above, I wish to put it straight to His Excellency that ethnicising/tribalising public offices, proliferating public offices and acting in anticipation of subterfuging the will of the masses over whom he leads puts him in a negative light. Politics should be done with ethics as he had promised.
I agree critics have argued against the separation of the offices of PA Students and SA youths affairs.However, the coloration of this appointment on ethnic ground is hasty especially as HE have not appointed all that need be appointed. But if we must go according to your argument, the state is not supposed to have a deputy governor from the Southern Senatorial District. So I will say be patient and watch on.Your assumption on the hijacking of the foremost sociopolitical platform may be true to a large extent too because if you must eat and not choke, table manners must be observed, Praises must be sung to he who provides the chop whether it is sweet or not… But that's why we have people like you to step into the gap.