Billionaires building luxury apocalypse bunkers

Billionaires building luxury apocalypse bunkers

With a growing number of the world’s billionaires making plans for apocalypse bunkers, multiple survival shelter companies now offer luxurious bunkers with pools, private theaters, and other amenities for the elite to enjoy in the event of a world-ending catastrophe.

According to The Guardian, Billionaire Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is currently building a 5,000-square-foot bunker in Hawaii to be used in any future apocalypse event. Zuckerberg’s Hawaii compound and bunker is estimated to cost roughly $270 million.

Billionaire Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and a well-known Libertarian advocate, also proposed an elaborate bunker lodge in New Zealand’s South Island. However, a local council rejected Thiel’s plans in 2022, citing the potential for the billionaire’s bunker to have a negative impact on New Zealand’s landscape, according to The Guardian.

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In addition to the individual bunkers being constructed by billionaires such as Zuckerberg and Thiel, multiple survival bunker companies have launched projects for wealthy individuals to co-invest in. Survival Condo is one of the top luxury bunker options currently available for the world’s richest individuals. It offers packages such as a $3 million 1820 square-foot full-floor unit.

The company’s website states, “This ‘Package’ is much more than just a ‘Survival Condo Unit.’ This ‘Package’ includes a fully furnished and custom-designed interior, special equipment for registered members, computer access to condo systems, and much more. Only a portion of the total fee is for the actual Survival Condo Unit.”

In addition to the individual packages offered at multi-million dollar prices, the Survival Condo includes an indoor pool, spa, workout facility, theater, bar and lounge, library, classroom, medical center, communication center, digital weather station, general store, organic hydroponic and aquaculture food production, and other amenities.

A video posted on YouTube in May of 2022 shows the floor plan for the Survival Condo’s full-floor unit.

Vivos Global Shelter Network, self-described as “The Backup Plan For Humanity,” highlights the features it offers for people who invest in costly underground bunkers. The company claims to offer underground “complexes” that are designed to “survive or substantially mitigate virtually any catastrophe.”

The company’s website states, “Whatever the threat, our shelters are built and engineered to withstand or mitigate just about everything from a pole shift, to super volcano eruptions, solar flares, earthquakes, tsunamis, pandemics, asteroid strikes, the anticipated affects of Planet X – Nibiru, and manmade threats including nuclear explosions, a reactor melt down, biological or chemical disasters, terrorism and even widespread anarchy.”

