For as simple a concept as whiff punishing is (hit your opponent’s moves when they miss) understanding and implementing it into your Street Fighter 6 gameplay is an art akin to climbing an endlessly high mountain. In other words, you probably do some whiff punishing, but you could probably be better at it.
Enter Norwegian Street Fighter player Veggey and his recently posted two minute and fifty six second guide to leveling up your whiff punishes.
Veggey quickly covers five steps in upping your whiff punish game, the first of which (intuitively enough) is to cause your foes to whiff in the first place. Now be honest with yourself as you reflect on your own play and answer to yourself “how often do I actively think about making my opponents miss with one of their attacks?”
The answer for the overwhelming majority of us lands somewhere between “never” and “not nearly enough.” Walking in and out of foes’ poke ranges is the right way to begin, but some people might think the whole premise is based around simply doing this and waiting to see a whiff; it isn’t.
As Veggey explains, you need to not only walk back out of danger ranges, you also need to give your opponents a reason to attack too early. This is where step two, have a “control” normal, comes in. Using a particular poke (preferably one that’s relatively hard to whiff punish) raises the stakes as your foes will worry about running into it when they’re moving into position to attack.
Goading with a few of these while also walking backwards is key in getting your opposition to jump the gun. Yes, it does add an element of risk on your side as you’re making small commitments every time you press, but finding the right rhythm and rhyme with your retreat and control normal(s) is key for making even the most patient of opponents whiff.
We’ll let Veggey give you the rest of the details as well as the other three lessons in upping your whiff punish game via the full video below. Give it a quick watch and then share in the comments what aspect you’re most excited to implement (for me, it’s step 4) when you’re done.