Help suffering iconographer get urgent medical treatment

Yakima, Washington, December 22, 2023

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A Serbian Orthodox iconographer who has beautified churches around the world is in need of urgent medical treatment.

Ugjlesa Mileta has painted churches and monasteries in Belgrade, Vienna, Greece, the Middle East, Mt; Sinai, Mt. Athos and North America. He is currently the iconographer at Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Yakima, Washington (Antiochian Archdiocese).

He was born with hemiparesis on his right side, thus he paints exclusively with his left hand. He nearly died from this disease this past summer, but found the necessary medical help in Denver. He was then diagnosed with superior mesenteric artery syndrome—a digestive condition caused by arteries pinching the part of the small intestine that connects to the stomach—and an eating disorder.

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He regained his health over two months of treatment, but he has no funds for the necessary ongoing treatment.

To help the talented iconographer, who has mentored many aspiring Church artists, a GiveSendGo campaign was launched, with a goal of $320,000, which will allow Ugljesa to get back into critical treatment, pay off past medical bills, and set up a reserve fund for continued treatment in 2025 and 2026.

The campaign has raised $9,925 so far.

Parish rector Fr. Joseph Copeland writes:

After about six years into his recent project in Yakima, Ugljesa began experiencing episodes of anxiety that finally became so acute that he was rarely able to work. Unfortunately this affliction is not uncommon within the iconographic community. The evil one especially works evilly against such holy work and those who practice it. The Miletas amassed tremendous hospital bills and are seeking some form of relief.

The church can continue to cover living expenses, but the funds required for medical needs are now well beyond the capacity of our church community. We are asking for help. Ugljesa’s iconography is truly a global ministry. May God bless this effort!

Help suffering iconographer get urgent medical treatment     

Ugljesa’s wife Zvezdana writes:

My heart bleeds and my soul aches. His suffering has affected me, too, as I have lost 40 pounds. But I have to be strong, for him, for us. We have been fighting against this destruction with prayer. Many people and many monasteries are praying for him all over the world…

We need help! We have never asked anyone for anything in our lives, and this is very difficult for us. We don’t have our own house, nor do we have any material possessions. We live in a house provided by our Church here in Yakima, and they sponsored us in obtaining our Green Cards. My husband is a very modest man, and he is extremely ashamed that we are asking for financial help. We have never earned money from any work other than from painting the Face of the Lord, the Holy Mother of God, the Angels of God and all His Saints. May they always help us and all of you, dear unknown people!

Help suffering iconographer get urgent medical treatment     

And in an update, Ugljesa himself writes:

I humbly extend my deepest gratitude for your selfless contributions to my GiveSendGo campaign. Your generosity in helping me manage my medical expenses is a true testament to the spirit of Christian love and compassion.

I am blessed by your kindness and uplifted by your prayers. May the Lord bless you abundantly for your graciousness. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and love in my journey.

My hope for the future is to help other iconographers as you have helped me.

Learn more and help the Miletas at their GiveSendGo campaign.

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