DreamHack Atlanta 2023 live stream ft. Punk, Valmaster, Ninjakilla212, Pulse, Kola, Shadow20z, ApolloKage, Umisho, DualKevin, iDom, Grr, JB and more

DreamHack Atlanta 2023 live stream ft. Punk, Valmaster, Ninjakilla212, Pulse, Kola, Shadow20z, ApolloKage, Umisho, DualKevin, iDom, Grr, JB and more

DreamHack Atlanta is back again and as you’d expect, it’s taking place in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Notable players participating include FLY|Punk, Valmaster, Ninjakilla212, Pulse, Moist|Kola, Liquid|Shadow20z, 26R|ApolloKage, MR|Umisho, DualKevin, XSET|iDom, DF|Grr, JB, Moist|JAK, Dragon, WoC|Coach Steve, Moist|Hotashi, Nfinite|Pokchop, SperoGin, UG|AceUnlimited, DG|KingGambler, FLY|Razzo Alex Smith, Terrence, BLM|Teiga, Hax$, Spiral|Krudo, Colbol, SenpaiSpyder, GSS|Professor Nekotech and many more.

The biggest game at the event is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with around 280 participants, though it is closely followed by Street Fighter 6 which has about 260 competitors.

Next in line is Guilty Gear Strive with over 150 players followed by Mortal Kombat 1 and Super Smash Bros. Melee which netted just above 145 and 125 registrants, respectively. Holding up the rear we have Tekken 7 sitting at around 115 signups and finally the brand new Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising landing just below the 100 mark with about 90 people.

There will also be Doubles competitions held for both Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Streaming is being done at DreamHack Fighters and DreamHack Smash.

DreamHack Atlanta 2023 Event Schedule image #1

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All times listed are EST.

Time Zone Conversion:

PST: Subtract 3 hours.

UTC/UK Time: Add 5 hours.

CET: Add 6 hours.

JST: Add 14 hours.
