Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 19, 2025
Photo: Orthodox Journeys
A new curriculum for students in grades K-12 explores the life of St. Tikhon, Apostle to America and Patriarch of Moscow, just in time for the 100th anniversary of his martyrdom on April 7.
The curriculum includes over 100 pages of content with 13 different activities. The resources are delivered as full color pdf files. The complete set, and individual lessons are now available for pre-order from Orthodox Journeys, producer of high-quality Church school and homeschooling resources.
Accompanying the curriculum is a 42-minute animated video recounting the life of St. Tikhon from his early life in Russia, to serving as diocesan hierarch in North America, and concludes with his becoming patriarch in Moscow before dying as a martyr in 1925.
Watch a trailer of the video here:
The video will be released on Orthodox Journey’s YouTube channel on Friday, March 28.
“St. Tikhon is an inspiring modern-day saint in the Orthodox Church,” said David Lucs, CEO of Orthodox Journeys. “His missionary work in North America was visionary for the times and is valuable for people of all ages to know about today.” The creation of the lessons for church school, homeschooling and young adult classes was a natural outgrowth of the animated video project for Orthodox Journeys.
Samples of the curriculum are available at Orthodox Journeys, showing the various lessons segmented by grade levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12) for age-appropriate conversations about St. Tikhon’s life as an Orthodox Christian and how children of all ages can do great things like this saint. Activities correspond with segments of the video, following his missionary work in North America, reviewing the scripture readings and exploring the liturgical texts for his feast day. Accompanying games and quizzes help students learn about those who worked with St. Tikhon and the churches he established across North America.
Family discussion guides for parents and guardians are included with the lesson for conversations at home about St. Tikhon, with special prayers to be read on his feast days and throughout the year. Study guide resources for teachers and church school directors are also included.
“Watching a video is a great way to be introduced to St. Tikhon’s life,” Lucs explained, noting, “This curriculum takes what is shown in the video and makes the connection to our lives, identifying ways that we as Orthodox Christians can continue St. Tikhon’s legacy in our local parishes. Accepting the Great Commission is our shared responsibility in today’s world.”
This is Orthodox Journey’s fifth curriculum, joining the 42-week programs entitled: “Growing through Scriptures,” and “Living a Sacramental Life,” the 12-lesson series “The Great Feasts,” and the 16-lesson series “Celebrating the Triodion & Pentecostarion.” Additional activities are also available. This is Orthodox Journey’s first animated video.
For more information about the St. Tikhon curriculum, please visit:
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Source: Orthodox Christianity