The T-1000 thinks Conan the Barbarian looks awfully familiar in special Mortal Kombat 1 interaction

The T-1000 thinks Conan the Barbarian looks awfully familiar in special Mortal Kombat 1 interaction

The T-1000 thinks Conan the Barbarian looks awfully familiar in special Mortal Kombat 1 interaction

NetherRealm Studios are probably the king when it comes to references in fighting games, and they seem to never really miss a beat with all of the big crossovers the team ends up getting in their titles.

There’s been some new footage of the T-1000 following the Kombat Kast for the Terminator this week, and that includes some funny interactions he has with the other guest characters in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns — where one in particular is a bit familiar.

PlayStation shared the special pre-fight intro between the T-1000 and Conan the Barbarian that probably doesn’t have much for wider implications for the world of MK (but is still fun).

Robert Patrick’s character of course notes how Conan the Barbarian appears like his nemesis from Terminator 2.

“You look like the T-800,” the T-1000 simply says.

“T-800, is that another machine?” retorts Conan.

Of course, both characters were played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in their respective movies, and the T-800 previously was included as a guest in Mortal Kombat 11 a few years back.

Unfortunately it’s not a true reunion, however, since both of Arnold’s characters in the games are voiced by Chris Cox instead.

The T-1000 is filled with references to Terminator 2 including three just in his second Fatality alone, and there’s plenty more in his actual move set too.

Madam Bo and the T-1000 are set to hit MK1 next week on March 18 as the last bit of Khaos Reigns content announced for the game.

Source: Event Hubs