County Council Approves Historic $782 Million Doors Open Levy For Access To Science, Heritage, And The Arts

County Council Approves Historic $782 Million Doors Open Levy For Access To Science, Heritage, And The Arts
Councilmember and Budget Chair Jeanne Kohl-Welles

On Tuesday, The King County Council approved a new levy, allocating nearly $800 million over the next seven years for science, heritage, and arts access in King County. The Doors Open program, funded through a 0.1% sales tax, aims to foster equitable access, support school programs, boost tourism, and fortify the workforce pipeline in the arts and culture sector.

Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles, the prime sponsor, expressed elation, highlighting the legislation’s focus on equity. The Doors Open program, co-sponsored by Councilmembers Claudia Balducci and Sarah Perry, is part of a decade-long effort to support the cultural sector, crucial after the pandemic’s economic impact.

With an average annual cost of $40 per family, the levy aims to help the arts and culture community rebound from pandemic setbacks, particularly in marginalized communities. This funding exceeds previous public program spending in King County, offering more support than ever before.

Balducci emphasized the program’s positive impact, stating, “Doors Open will give people in every corner of King County more opportunities to explore and experience the arts and culture that enriches all of our lives.”

A significant portion, 15%, will go to public school students, supporting partnerships, field trips, before- and after-school programs, transportation, internships, and more. Annually, at least $12 million will be allocated to counteract art and music program cuts.

King County Executive Dow Constantine praised the legislation, describing it as the culmination of over a decade of work. The funding prioritizes geographic equity, benefiting communities most affected by the pandemic and seeding new cultural centers.

Businesses relying on arts and culture to drive tourism and revenue will see a direct return on investment. The arts and culture sector constitutes 10.8% of the state’s GDP, approximately $72.8 billion. The Doors Open program aims to revitalize King County’s cultural fabric for decades, supporting small and large organizations alike.
