Capcom will allow you to beat up one of the people in charge of Street Fighter 6’s balance via V-Rival event

Capcom will allow you to beat up one of the people in charge of Street Fighter 6’s balance via V-Rival event

You can challenge one of the game’s Battle Planners Woshige

Capcom will allow you to beat up one of the people in charge of Street Fighter 6's balance via V-Rival event

Have you ever been frustrated by Street Fighter 6’s character balance and wanted to take it out on one of the people responsible for making Ken so ridiculously strong in basically every version of the game?

Well, Capcom has put in a V-Rival fight for Professor Woshige, also known as Ryuichi Shigeno, who’s one of the Battle Planners for the game, and an outstanding fighting game player, who infamously lost track of the rounds at Evo 2015 and celebrated prematurely.

Chun-Li’s student, Li-Fen, has prepped Akuma, Cammy and Luke, as controlled by Woshige’s V-Rival, for you to take on. All you have to do is head to the game’s Battle Hub, find the V-Rival area, and give it a go.

If you hit specific conditions, you’ll unlock a special emote and challenger screen illustration (pictured below) as a reward.

This special event starts on February 5, 2025 and will end March 9, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time, and will be included with the Mai Shiranui patch for the game.

Check out the video below, which includes a reenactment of Woshige’s infamous Evo 2015 Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- winners semi-finals set.

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V-Rival event in Street Fighter 6 for Woshige image #7

V-Rival event in Street Fighter 6 for Woshige image #8

Click images for larger versions

Source: Event Hubs