Justin Wong struggles with seemingly easy Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. input which involves ‘scraping the edge’ of one of the buttons

Justin Wong struggles with seemingly easy Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. input which involves ‘scraping the edge’ of one of the buttons

I don’t think the stream chat advice is working…

Justin Wong struggles with seemingly easy Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. input which involves 'scraping the edge' of one of the buttons

Justin Wong is one of fighting games’ greatest legends and is not only proficient in Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom games, but also pretty much any game he really puts his mind to. With that having been said, it appears that Justin’s experience with the Virtua Fighter series is limited, and in one of his latest videos the extremely accomplished fighting gamer / content creator sat down to try and learn the new Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. title.

What’s great about Justin is that he not only celebrates his achievements, but is also able to laugh and take a lighthearted approach to his blunders. His latest video sees him lean into one such blunder as the legend struggles to perform a seemingly simple input in VF5, and despite the stream chat trying their best to help, it seems this particular move bodied our dear friend JWong.

Now, the Virtua Fighter series is well known for being very simple on the surface, but extremely difficult to master. Though the game only consists of three real buttons — punch, kick, and guard — and there are no real traditional fighting game special moves here, the depth and execution it requires at higher levels are no joke.

In Virtua Fighter, even what appears to be a simple input can be very difficult to not only perform once, but do it consistently in the heat of battle. Justin Wong encountered one of these attacks, and of all places to find it, he found it within the move set of the game’s main protagonist and poster boy, Akira.

Justin released a clip on Twitter showing his experience with Akira’s Teishitsu Dantai move. In order to successfully pull off this maneuver, all you have to do is hit the kick and guard button, but the game notes that you must release guard after just one frame.

While working through what is essentially combo trials for Akira’s move list, which notifies you when you’ve done a move properly and allows you to move on to the next, Justin came across this attack and was pretty quickly stumped. Despite it appearing as though he was doing the move correctly, he could not progress further.

What follows is a lot of failed attempts and a lot of expletives being yelled at the screen as JWong continues to try to pull off this mind bender of a move. At one point, the stream chat gets involved and tries to offer advice on how to do it, and that advice basically instructs Justin to “scrape the edge” of the guard button to do the move properly.

“Scrape the edge of the guard button?! That’s crazy! Scrape the edge?! What the **** does scrape the edge mean?!” Justin yells out in frustration.

Justin Wong says that Akira is hard to learn in Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O., even for him, and that the Teishitsu Dantai took him about an hour to actually get it right.

There’s a lot more to the video as Justin jumps into ranked matches and slugs it out with the online competition. You can check out the hilarious K+G clip below, and be sure to watch the full video just underneath that.

Source: Event Hubs