Kenyan lady continues to drag Cubana ChiefPriest as she insists on a DNA test to confirm the paternity of her son (video)

Kenyan lady continues to drag Cubana ChiefPriest as she insists on a DNA test to confirm the paternity of her son (video)

Mr. Cubana Chief Priest, the simplest, most honorable thing to do immediately is submit for this DNA test. Simply denying that “it wasn’t you” doesn’t cut it. Mr Cubana Chief Priest, be honorable, have some semblance of conscience, be concerned about your name, family, business, acquaintances, accept and submit to DNA testing since you swear by Amadioha, Ifa and Ogun that “it wasn’t you”. She even put a rider or proviso that if the baby is not yours, that she is ready to bear the legal consequences that flow from the test. You are running and running a lot away from testing Sir. Why da heck are you dodging a lot from the test Sir???????????

this! 5

this! 3


Source: Linda Ikeji