Here’s what a Floyd vs. Floyd mirror match looks like with CPU settings maxed out in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

Here’s what a Floyd vs. Floyd mirror match looks like with CPU settings maxed out in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

Here's what a Floyd vs. Floyd mirror match looks like with CPU settings maxed out in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

The Mortal Kombat community has been super focused on uncovering the 37 clues that lead to a secret battle against Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1. Those that complete this arduous task and defeat Floyd will be rewarded with an exclusive stage from the game’s first reveal trailer.

Floyd is a character that’s significantly more powerful than the rest of the roster as he’s armed with improved special moves from all of the “colored ninjas” and even has 1,337 hit points without a Kameo. Evidently, Floyd is not intended to be used by human players, but what would a Floyd mirror match look like when both CPU controllers have their difficulty settings maxed out?

Raikou recently released a video that runs for about two minutes long that showcases this. Floyd on the player 1 side is armed with the Sub-Zero Kameo while the opponent gets Scorpion as a Kameo.

As if Floyd wasn’t tanky enough, this boosts the character’s health to 1,687 and 1,637 health respectively. Normally, Floyd is such a powerful opponent that he’s fought without a Kameo, but it’s interesting that the CPU is still capable of utilizing Kameo abilities regardless.

Throughout the single round, we see a variety of unique combos being hit by Floyd on both sides. For those that wish to prepare for the actual challenge, getting a feel what sort of combos Floyd likes to go for might be invaluable considering that players will have to start over with the unlock conditions if they fail in the actual fight.

Of course, it should be noted that, while Floyd’s combos are pretty versatile, his damage output does seem a little on the low side to make up for everything else that he has going for him. Funnily enough, this combined with the huge health totals for both CPU controllers results in this match ending in a time over.

Check it all out below:

Source: Event Hubs