Issue downloading Conan the Barbarian in Mortal Kombat 1 via early access on Nintendo Switch has been fixed

Issue downloading Conan the Barbarian in Mortal Kombat 1 via early access on Nintendo Switch has been fixed

Issue downloading Conan the Barbarian in Mortal Kombat 1 via early access on Nintendo Switch has been fixed

Conan the Barbarian has been available to play in Mortal Kombat 1 since early last week. He was launched via early access for those who purchased the Khaos Reigns expansion, and one of the benefits of doing so is getting a chance to play as the newest DLC fighters a week ahead of everyone else.

Unfortunately, those who purchased the expansion on Nintendo Switch were unable to get their early access to Conan due to an unforeseen issue that sprouted up. It appears that this issue has now been resolved, however, according to the official Mortal Kombat Twitter page.

Conan first saw his early access period begin on all other platforms outside of the Switch on January 21. That same day was supposed to also include the Nintendo Switch, but when players went to try and play him they were instead greeted with an in-game notification that prompted them to buy the new DLC character — even though they already did.

On January 24, the official MK Twitter sent out a quick tweet letting fans know that they were aware of the Switch users’ woes and that the issue was being worked on.

“We are still working to address the Conan the Barbarian issue for Nintendo Switch players,” the Twitter account said. “Thank you for the continued patience. We’ll keep you posted on progress.”

Earlier today, however, the official MK account followed up an announced that the issue with Conan on Nintendo Switch has been resolved.

“We’ve resolved the Early Access issues with Conan the Barbarian affecting Nintendo Switch players. Please download the latest patch to your system. We apologize for the delay. Thank you for your patience,” their tweet reads.

Nintendo Switch players should be able to jump in now and get some early time in with Conan the Barbarian in Mortal Kombat 1.

Unfortunately, though, this fix comes only hours before Conan is set to be released to everyone (which is happening tomorrow, January 28). So those who purchased the Khaos Reigns expansion to get early access to this character missed out on the majority of said early period.

At this time, we have not heard any word on whether or not those who paid for early access on Nintendo Switch will receive any compensation for this matter.

Source: Event Hubs