Glorious high definition screen shots show off Mortal Kombat 1 characters like you’ve never seen

Posted by John ‘Velociraptor’ Guerrero • 2 hours, 7 minutes ago • Comments: 0

Glorious high definition screen shots show off Mortal Kombat 1 characters like you've never seen

While fans continue to wait for Mortal Kombat 1’s gameplay experience to reach a level that feels more komplete, it’s hard to argue that the visuals in the latest entry from the 30+ year old franchise aren’t top notch.

This makes it all the more impressive when fans like far2wi1 take the time to capture high definition screen shots and show off every last detail of the elaborate character models. We’ve got a gallery that puts three of Mortal Kombat 1’s ninjas in a light you’ve never quite seen before.

The characters in today’s spotlight are Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Smoke. Far2wi1 offers us a handful of medium and close up shots as these fighters strike poses with and without masks on.

The level of detail is incredible as we can count just about every strand of hair, note the status of every pore (Smoke has a few blackheads on his chin that could use some attention) and appreciate all the intentionally placed imperfections as ray tracing allows for exceptionally realistic lighting.

We noticed on X that a few people have already used some of these as wallpapers and lock screen backgrounds for their phones, and have to admit that’s not at all a bad idea as they look stellar in the examples we saw.

Our fingers are crossed that this first gallery is just a taste of what’s to come as we’d love to see more characters, outfits, and action moments shown off by Far2wi1 in this manner. Give our selection below a look through and let us know what you think in the comments afterwards.

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