New anti-rage quit feature added to Street Fighter 6

New anti-rage quit feature added to Street Fighter 6

If there’s one thing the fighting game community can agree on, it’s that people who dip out of matches early when losing (rage quitters) are just the worst. You spend your time, you risk your rank, you earn a win, and your opponent decides to take their ball and go home before the victory gets logged.

Such things can very much still happen in Street Fighter 6, but the latest update makes things a little worse for rage quitters thanks to a new screen that pops up when someone pulls such shenanigans.

We discovered this thanks to long time notable SoCal player Alex Myers, who had the misfortune of running into one PinheadLarry626’s Chun-Li in a ranked match.

Traditionally when someone rage quits, the match simply ends, no replay is recorded due to the early cut, and the player cheated out of their points has to remember the spelling of the name of their less than principled opponent if they want to block them from future fights.

This latest update adds a nifty new feature as a screen pops up immediately following disconnects. Said screen presents your foe’s username and user code so that you can quickly jot either down and use the info to quickly update your blocked players list. (I actually went ahead and blocked PinheadLarry myself, since there were a few other reports of him indeed quitting against other players.)

Click the thumbnail here to see the new screen, courtesy of an X post from the aforementioned Alex Myers:

New SF6 Rage Quit Stuff image #1

Click images for larger versions

Street Fighter 6 already does have a yellow/red card system in place that deters players from rage quitting as offenders will be placed in matchmaking queues with fellow offenders. Said queues often have longer wait times, and those in them have to showcase repeated good behavior before they’re placed back in normal matchmaking.

While the problem of salty rage quitting hasn’t been fixed outright, this is one more step towards online experiences where those with questionable integrity might think twice about dipping out early.

We should also note that due to current issues with SF6’s online communication the yellow and red card system is temporarily inactive.
