Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha are gorgeous

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha are gorgeous

The Street Fighter Alpha series was originally released as a way of lowering the player skill required as one of its design goals, which is frequently regarded as a bad idea in fighting game circles. Despite this, the Alpha series took off after its initial release 1995, and has become a favorite of many since that time.

Enter S-Tier, who has created beautiful tapestries of the cover artwork for both Street Fighter Alpha 1 and 2, based on their love of the series.

These tapestries are over 5ft in size, 62×62 inches, and because they’re zoomed in, it actually depicts Ryu, Ken and Akuma in larger than what their real-life counterparts would be from the Street Fighter Alpha entries. They will fit over a queen-sized bed as well.

The tapestries will set you back about $170 USD, which includes taxes. The images are woven into the fabric and you can see the outstanding detail in the close up shots below.

“Unlike most tapestries in the market, ours are made in the USA, and are a lot more durable, so I just use a push pin to put it into the wall,” said Christian Davis, the founder and creative director of S-Tier.

“Since the artwork is woven into the fabric, you don’t have to worry about anything peeling or scraping off,” he said. Check out the video and the images below of these two tapestries.

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #1

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #2

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #3

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #4

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #5

Larger than life Ryu, Ken and Akuma tapestries from Street Fighter Alpha image #6

Click images for larger versions
